Rashfeng Font is suitable for Old School to get your text designs? look better. The Rashfeng Font for free download for personal or paid if commercial use.
About Font:
Rashfeng is a high quality Old School font that is designed by Doel Creative and is available for free download and personal use. The free version provides all uppercase and lowercase letters and a few special characters too.
Rashfeng Font:
Instruction on installing Rashfeng Font on Windows PC and MAC
Here are 2 ways to install this font for 2 different platforms:
How to install for Windows PC
Step 1: First, you click to download the Rashfeng Font at Kafont.com and extracting the file.
Step 2: In the next step, you open the Control Panel where you can find the identical result
Step 3: While the Control Panel is active, click the Fonts.
Step 4: Put the Rashfeng Font from the terminus location in the File Explorer.
Step 5: When you finish the fourth step, you can start using Rashfeng Font
Information Font:
License: Personal Use Only!
Font Type: Free
Format: OTF, TTF
Total Files: 1