Santelia Script Font 2 by Yellow Design Studio is a stylish type family containing various options to enhance projects. Free download the present release and discover more!
It actually has regular and rough versions in 6 weights. It’s possible to find that forms are sharp and comfortable surprisingly.
Alternative variants often have angled strokes to make your texts become powerful and mysterious.
Meanwhile, rough weights will give you 3 distress levels. you can mix and match them to customize more.
Santelia Script Font 2 is casual, clean, vintage, and modern. It’s free for personal use only. Access to explore other features!
Santelia Script Font 2
Instruction on installing Santelia Script Font 2 on Windows PC
Following steps to get the font installed on your PC
- First, you click to download the Santelia Script Font 2 at and extracting the file.
- In the next step, you open the Control Panel where you can find the identical result
- While the Control Panel is active, click the Fonts.
- Put the Santelia Script Font 2 from the terminus location in the File Explorer.
- When you finish the fourth step, you can start using Santelia Script Font 2.
License: Personal Use Only!
Font Type: Free
Format: OTF, TTF
File Size: 1.75 MB
Total Files: 1